Zaccara Lab

-Zaccara S, Jaffrey SR. A Unified Model for the Function of YTHDF Proteins in
Regulating m6A Modified mRNA. Cell. 2020 Jun 25;181(7):1582-1595.e18.
- Rizzotto D*, Zaccara S*, Rossi A, Galbraith MD, Andrysik Z, Pandey A, Sullivan KD,
Quattrone A, Espinosa JM, Dassi E, Inga A. Nutlin-Induced Apoptosis Is Specified by a
Translation Program Regulated by PCBP2 and DHX30. Cell Report. 2020 Mar
- Zaccara S, Ries RJ, Jaffrey SR. Reading, writing and erasing mRNA methylation. Nat
Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2019 Oct;20(10):608-624.
- Zaccara S, Tebaldi T, Pederiva C, Ciribilli Y, Bisio A, Inga A. p53-directed translational
control can shape and expand the universe of p53 target genes. Cell Death Differ. 2014
- Tebaldi T*, Zaccara S*, Alessandrini F, Bisio A, Ciribilli Y, Inga A. Whole-genome
cartography of p53 response elements ranked on transactivation potential. BMC
Genomics. 2015 Jun17;16(1):464. doi: 10.1186/s12864-015-1643-9.
- Rizzotto D, Zaccara S, Rossi A, Dassi E, Inga A. Translation control can shape TP53-
dependent cell fate. Mol Cell Oncol. 2020 Jun 23;7(5):1767483. doi:
- Ries RJ, Zaccara S, Klein P, Olarerin-George A, Namkoong S, Pickering BF, Patil DP,
Kwak H, Lee JH, Jaffrey SR. m6A enhances the phase separation potential of
mRNA. Nature. 2019 Jul;571(7765):424-428. doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1374-1.
- Wu J, Zaccara S, Khuperkar D, Kim H, Tanenbaum ME, Jaffrey SR. Live imaging of
mRNA using RNA-stabilized fluorogenic proteins. Nature Methods. 2019 Sep;16(9):862-865.
- Vu LP*, Pickering BF*, Cheng Y*, Zaccara S, Nguyen D, Minuesa G, Chou T, Chow A,
Saletore Y, MacKay M, Schulman J, Famulare C, Patel M, Klimek VM, Garrett-Bakelman FE,
Melnick A, Carroll M, Mason CE, Jaffrey SR, Kharas MG. The N6-methyladenosine (m6A)-
forming enzyme METTL3 controls myeloid differentiation of normal hematopoietic and leukemia
cells. Nature Medicine. 2017 Nov;23(11):1369-1376.
- Valentini S, Marchioretti C, Bisio A, Rossi A, Zaccara S, Romanel A, Inga A. TranSNPs:
A class of functional SNPs affecting mRNA translation potential revealed by fraction-based
allelic imbalance. iScience. 2021 Nov 27;24(12):103531. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2021.103531.
- Boulias K*, Toczydłowska-Socha D*, Hawley BR*, Liberman N, Takashima K, Zaccara
S, Guez T, Vasseur JJ, Debart F, Aravind L, Jaffrey SR, Greer EL. Identification of the m6Am --
Methyltransferase PCIF1 Reveals the Location and Functions of m6Am in the
Transcriptome. Molecular Cell. 2019 Aug 8;75(3):631-643.e8.
- Andrysik Z, Galbraith MD, Guarnieri AL, Zaccara S, Sullivan KD, Pandey A, MacBeth
M, Inga A, Espinosa JM. Identification of a core TP53 transcriptional program with highly
distributed tumor suppressive activity. Genome Research 2017 Oct;27(10):1645-1657.
- Bisio A, Z.mborszky J, Zaccara S, Lion M, Tebaldi T, Sharma V, Raimondi I,
Alessandrini F, Ciribilli Y, Inga A. Cooperative interactions between p53 and NFκB enhance cell
plasticity. Oncotarget. 2014 Dec 15;5(23):12111-25.
- Bustin SA, Benes V, Garson J, Hellemans J, Huggett J, Kubista M, Mueller R, Nolan T,
Pfaffl MW, Shipley G, Wittwer CT, Schjerling P, Day PJ, Abreu M, Aguado B, Beaulieu JF,
Beckers A, Bogaert S, Browne JA, Carrasco-Ramiro F, Ceelen L, Ciborowski K, Cornillie P,
Sara Zaccara, Coulon S, Cuypers A, De Brouwer S, De Ceuninck L, De Craene J, De Naeyer H, De
Spiegelaere W, Deckers K, Dheedene A, Durinck K, Ferreira-Teixeira M, Fieuw A, Gallup JM,
Gonzalo-Flores S, Goossens K, Heindryckx F, Herring E, Hoenicka H, Icardi L, Jaggi R, Javad
F, Karampelias M, Kibenge F, Kibenge M, Kumps C, Lambertz I, Lammens T, Markey A,
Messiaen P, Mets E, Morais S, Mudarra-Rubio A, Nakiwala J, Nelis H, Olsvik PA, P.rez-Novo
C, Plusquin M, Remans T, Rihani A, Rodrigues-Santos P, Rondou P, Sanders R, Schmidt-
Bleek K, Skovgaard K, Smeets K, Tabera L, Toegel S, Van Acker T, Van den Broeck W, Van
der Meulen J, Van Gele M, Van Peer G, Van Poucke M, Van Roy N, Vergult S, Wauman J,
Tshuikina-Wiklander M, Willems E, Zaccara S, Zeka F, Vandesompele J. The need for
transparency and good practices in the qPCR literature. Nature Methods. 2013
- Pinzani P, Salvianti F, Zaccara S, Massi D, De Giorgi V, Pazzagli M, Orlando
C. Circulating cell-free DNA in plasma of melanoma patients: qualitative and quantitative
considerations. Clin Chim Acta. 2011 Nov 20;412(23-24):2141-5.